Okay Ma she Tay thank you for joining us on this adventure in pronunciation.
Happy New Year Akemashite Omedetou (明けましておめでとう) is usually translated as “Happy New Year”, but in…
Congratulations "Omedetou gozaimasu" in Japanese means. 'Congratulations'- which is the greeting for you if you. know in this language. #
In Japanese, “happy birthday” is written (お) 誕生日 おめでとう (ございます). This is pronounced “(o) tanjoubi omedetou (gozaimasu)”. If we break down this expression: “o” is the polite form.
おめでとう (Omedetou) — Congrats Omedetou is the most basic and common way to say “congratulations.” It can be written in kanji as お目出度う but these days it's more commonly written in hiragana as おめでとう. Here's a breakdown of the kanji: お (o) — A prefix often used to make a word polite or respectful.